21 Nov

There are different ways of having your wedding ceremony done. Most wedding ceremonies are done based on the traditions and religious background of both the bride and the groom. One of the most common parts of a wedding ceremony will have to include the unity ceremony. A unity ceremony is there to give thanks to the contributions that have been made by the family of both the groom and the bride and even along with their children in terms of their marriage.

When it comes to unity ceremonies, there are actually two primary kinds of them that happen during weddings. The first one is the unity ceremony that involves the use of three candles. Its origins are unknown; however, some people claim that this ceremony comes from the tradition of African tribes. The second one, on the other hand, makes use of unity sands where different colors of them will be blended together, and some say that this tradition comes from the Native Americans or Hawaiian Americans. No matter their origins, there is no denying that both of these wedding ceremonies are both meaningful and beautiful.

Both of these unity ceremonies are done to ensure unity among the groom and the bride as well as the unity between their respective families. Most of the time, this unity ceremony happens after the exchange of wedding rings is done and before or after the officiating person will announce the couple to be husband and wife, read here!

If you are thinking of including a unity ceremony in your wedding, then that is a great idea. Apart from going traditional, that is using candles and lighting them together to signify your being united, you can try having a unity ceremony with the use of unity sands or having the so-called wedding sand ceremony. Using unity sands not just signify the union that both the groom and the bride will be having but also they can serve as a remembrance for the bride and groom during their special day, see here!

There are now a lot of companies that sell unity sands of various qualities and colors that will be used during wedding sand ceremonies. Typically, unity sands come in three colors, the first one always having the color white. And the two colors will be the choice of the bride and the groom. Most of the time, they will be choosing their favorite colors for the unity sands or at times, they will be using unity sands with the colors of their wedding theme. Read more claims about unity sand at http://bigbangtheory.wikia.com/wiki/Las_Vegas_Wedding_Chapel_Minister.

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